20. August 2010: Nasir

How did you meet? online

Name: Nasir

Height: 6'0"

Age: 30

Occupation: Techie entrepreneur

Good quotes from date:

"You should eat pie, and go bungee jumping."

"I used to collect reptiles as a child."

Why is he still single? Too busy starting up biz, new to online dating

Did he pay for the date? yes

Did he contact you after the date? I texted him to set up another date, never worked out

How many dates did you go on? 1

Would you recommend to a friend? no, but I really kinda like him


We bar hopped around Williamsburg on a Sunday night until 4am. Monday was a painful, but happy work day because Nasir was adorable, we had chemistry, and we made out like bandits at almost every bar, and on the street, and he walked me home to my doorstep for more making out. 

He was only the second or third date out of 20 where I actually had a fun time, was attracted to him intellectually and physically, and would love to hang out again. This seems to be the kiss of death. He just wasn't that into it.