5. February 2010: Ryan

How did you meet? online

Name: Ryan
Height: 5'8"

Age: 32

Occupation: Computer stuff

Good quotes from date: Sadly no, on this date I was thinking about date #4 because things were going well with him.

Did you make out? no

Why is he still single? Nerdy but not in a good way, no game whatsoever

Did he pay for the date? yes

Did he contact you after the date?

Yes, we had a 2nd date planned, I cancelled because really, there was no need for it.

How many dates did you go on? 1

Would you recommend to a friend? no

Comments: I'm not capable of dating two guys at once, one of who I really, really like. You know that old saying "Don't put all your eggs in one basket?" Yeah....I did that.