I'm getting tired of my dates. I want to hear about yours (good or bad). Fill out my questionnaire, and email me at onehundredfirstdates@gmail.com. You know you want to.
A Date from the author of the book, The Science of Single, and fellow dating blogger, Rachel Machacek. Thanks for sharing!
Beware, ya'll, it's a doozy.
100FD Questionnaire
How did you meet?
Through the woman he was cheating on his soon-to-be ex wife with. I didn't know this at the time.
Name: Doug (names are changed to protect the innocent)
Height: 6'
Age: thirtysomething
Occupation: Professional
Good quotes from date:
"I'm not sure what this is." (Meaning, is this a date or what?)
"How will roast you a chicken then?" (Upon finding out I'm a vegetarian.)
"Do you want to come up and listen records?"
Why is he still single? He's not single. He's not even divorced yet. Why is he going to be single? Because he was cheating on his wife.
Did he pay for the date? Yes. Of course. That's what they do when they try to suck you in.
Did he contact you after the date? Yes. A day later.
How many dates did you go on? Mmmm, I'd say 3 to 4 (too many)
Would you recommend to a friend? Um, no.
This is a sound example of what not to do in dating. Don't date a guy who is not yet divorced even if he's going to be divorced in a month and has been separated for a while. (I was fuzzy on this when we went out. I was under the impression it was happening any second and there was little baggage involved.) Also, when you find out the woman who set you up is actually his former lover (former as of two days before your date), leave the premises immediately. I don't care how cute he is. I'm not sure how I got sucked into this one. Yes I do. He is really fucking charming. And really cute. And we had a connection immediately (before I understood the hot mess I was getting into) and I put an enormous premium on that because chemistry seems to NEVER HAPPEN anymore. I will say this: I'm willing to sacrifice some chemistry for a stable & consistent relationship. Really. I'm not talking a ton of chemistry. A smidge. Maybe two.
Normally, Rachel, I have something to say about everything. In this case, I've got nothing, so i'll fall back on: WTF?!