Hot Derma-time in the City

I love the sun and the beach. So like a good sun-bunny i get my butt to the dermatologist once a year to get an annual check up.

One of my favorite bloggers recently wrote about her hot eye doctor and how awkward it was trying to flirt in the exam room. I remember thinking this never happens to me because i have all women doctors. Today that all changed.

Turns out my lady derma is gone. Thanks for telling me, lady. In her place is doc named George who i assumed was a middle-aged, gray-haired avuncular fellow with an SUV and a large home in NJ. 

George possibly lives in NJ but he ain't gray and he ain't old. He's probably my age and is tall. He's cute in a nerdy, doctor way with no wedding band.

George and i got pretty intimate on this first meeting. He had to check my entire epidermis so now he's seen me 99%  naked. This is the most action i've had in months.

I asked about sunscreen and he told me that no one applies it the right way (did you know you should apply an entire shot glass size of lotion every 2-3 hrs?) except dermatologists. 

He said, "You should of seen us all at a dermatology conference in Hawaii, tons of sunscreen under umbrellas." I giggled. I mean that is hilarious. Truly. 

When will i see him again? He'd like me to come back after the summer to check up on a birthmark on my hand. You know, the mark that Mr. Is-that-Cancer? asked about, henceforth his nickname. I told the doc this story. He said, "That is wildly inappropriate." Exactly! 

Skin cancer is wildly not funny, so please get a skin check up annually.