55. October 2011: Will, Fellow Horror Flick Fan

How did you meet? online 

Name: Will

Height: 5'11"

Age: 36

Occupation: tells computers what to do

Good quotes from date
"I miss the old World Trade Center. Those two towers were so iconic. Remember that scene in the Exorcist where the priest, Damian, visits his mother? The towers are looming in the background."

"I'll be in touch." Followed by a pat on the arm (him), followed by an awkward hug (me).  

Why is he still single?  He's only looking for "New Friends" according to his OkCupid profile. Why do people choose this as an option? It's a DATING site. 

Did he pay for the date? No, we just had coffees and they were a dollar. I paid for him because he came to my neighborhood. He said, "Thank you." 

Did he contact you after the date? No, and I had a feeling he wouldn't. I sent him something zombie-like on Halloween via email and nothing. Guess we're not going to be "new friends."

How many dates did you go on? 1 

Would you recommend to a friend? Maybe, but I don't think he's looking for a relationship.

I fell in "like" with Will via OkCupid because he wrote me one of the best opening messages I've ever received. It referenced our love of horror flicks and Halloween, and included Youtube clips of hilarious zombie movies that I'd never heard of. I laughed out loud. That and the fact we were only a 2% enemy match on OkCupid (meaning we answered almost all of our questions the same), I was pretty sure we'd get along. 

And we did. He came to my neighborhood the day before Halloween and we got coffees and walked around. Walking dates are my new favorite dates. You can talk about the things you see around you while getting to know each other. Much preferred to staring at each other at a bar.

We circled through parks, saw a dog Halloween parade - dogs in costumes are guaranteed ice breakers - and lounged on a wall overlooking the East River and all of Manhattan. These are the moments I love living on the Brooklyn side of New York. He brought along a dark chocolate/sea salt/almond (all of my favorite things in one!) bar for us to snack on. I fell more in "like".  We didn't talk about work - not once.

The date ended with the usual awkwardness - he stood there clueless, I tried run away quickly. He said, "Good times...and the I'll be in touch" and I feel like that was the kiss of death. So formal and vague. I went in for the hug, he was visibly surprised thereby making everything even more awkward.

Overall, a really great date and yet I'm pretty sure I won't hear from him again. Maybe I'm not "New Friend" material? Who knows, who cares. I'm living in the moment and those moments with him were really nice.