100FD Guest Dater: Frictionally Unemployed Takes a Dip

My Millenial BFF although incredibly online savvy has been very hesitant to dip her toes in the online dating pool. Maybe she's read my blog? Finally she takes the plunge and it goes...OK. Not bad, not good - I'd say that's just right for your first time.

100FD Questionnaire

How did you meet? Online

Name: Jesse

Height: 5'6 ft 

Age: 26

Occupation: Freelances for a TV/radio news program and teaches the history of NY part-time

Good quotes from date: 
"Did you know that Chinatown buses are 7x more deadly than any other mode of transportation?" (I just looked this up, and the death rate is 7 times that of competitors)

"That's a good thing about being Indian. We're everywhere."

Why is he still single? He's not very interesting.

Did he pay for the date? Nope. 50/50.

Did he contact you after the date?
How many dates did you go on? 1
Would you recommend to a friend? A very vanilla friend.

There was nothing wrong with the guy, the date was just a total flatline. It was like having dinner with a relative I'd never met before. And judging from his inability to keep any sort of eye contact, his posture, and his ill-fitting clothes, he may not be very confident. To be fair though, it was my first OkCupid date and I agreed to it because I knew he wouldn't be very intimidating. It was my way of dipping my feet in the water, which in hindsight is a little selfish since I wasted his time. But hey, he didn't pay and we went to dinner across the street from his apartment so... I didn't put him out that bad. While this experience didn't necessarily leave a bad taste in my mouth or anything, it certainly has me thinking that online dating will be a lot more of sifting through the duds than I originally anticipated.

I'm getting tired of my dates. I want to hear about yours (good or bad). Fill out my questionnaire, and email it to: onehundredfirstdates@gmail.com. You know you want to.