84. May 2013: Pete - A Messy Date

How did you meet? Online

Name: Pete

Height: 6'2"

Age: 32

Occupation:  graphic designer

Good quotes from date(s):

Me: "We should probably get some napkins."

See comments...

Why is he still single? I don't know

Did he pay for the date?  I bought a round, he bought a round, then he bought dinner

Did he contact you after the date? I texted him, he responded

How many dates did you go on? 1

Would you recommend to a friend? Sure


Like date 83, this was also a good date, but not extremely memorable. Pete was a chill, quiet, occasionally funny guy. Conversation (and beer) flowed easily. 

At the bar he accidentally knocked over his entire pint. We watched it flow down the bar like a raging river,  while the couple next to us quickly rescued their drinks and elbows from drowning. 

I'm sure he was embarrassed so I tried to play it down and not laugh...in the hopes that he'd be a man who took charge and would clean it up. 

Nope. After a long 5 seconds of staring I said we should probably get some napkins and walked over to the bar to grab some. He followed suit. 

Afterwards we headed down the block to a restaurant to get some tacos, and parted ways on the L train. Overall a nice date with a nice guy who I could probably be friends with, but not really date.  

Because men make mistakes; men spill; but real men clean up their messes.