Traveling to a Land Down Under - Guest Posts Wanted

If I see a kangaroo on a beach just once when I'm in Australia, my life will be close to complete. For the next two months my job is taking me to Sydney, Vancouver, then Europe. 

I leave in 10 days, which means I'm crazy stressed about what to pack (summer & winter!), and I want you to guest post on any of the following topics:

  • Do you live outside the US? What is dating like in your home country?
  • Do you live in Sydney, Vancouver, or Berlin? Advise me on the best spots to meet cute men 
  • What is your favorite online platform, or offline way of meeting men or women?
  • Have you used Tinder? What do you think? Any crazy stories?
  • With seven dates left until I reach 100, what would you like to see next? More dates? A podcast? Me moving to a nunnery?

Send your posts or share your other ideas with me at

And do not worry...I shall Tinder in these foreign lands. I am an addict, after all.