25. September 2010: James

How did you meet? online

Name: James

Height: 6'0"

Age: 33

Occupation: Web designer

Good quotes from date:

Not from him, but during the date he got a text message from a friend at a bar across the street from we were that said:

"We are across the street sitting at the cool kids table. (i.e with the sluts)."

We both made fun of that text and he did not join the cool kids table after we parted ways.

Why is he still single? Just moved back to the city 3 weeks ago from west coast

Did he pay for the date? yes

Did he contact you after the date? Yes via text, asking to hang out again, take a walk in the park or something else with nature...nice.

How many dates did you go on? 2

Would you recommend to a friend? Possibly, he seemed nice and normal and someone who has his shit together.


Actually conversation was really interesting, he has good travel stories, and life stories.

This one might win the awkward goodbye prize as I always go in for the hug and he went in the kiss on the check so then I stopped half way, and he went more in half way and it was just weird all around, prompting me to say 'Nice to meet you and byeeeeee', in a high-pitched voice as I hightailed it home.

Date #2: As second dates are extremely rare, i have no format for this so bare with me. let's just say we ate, we drank tea, we rode bikes, we chatted, we get along well. he gave me peck on the lips as our goodbye, thankfully/surprisingly much less awkward than the first date. i'm pretty sure we are just going to be friends. i'm just not feelin' this one.

Did he contact you after the date? No, i'm guessing he's on the same page