39.1 April 2011: Gabe

Oh, how I've missed this questionnaire!  My apologies for allowing the whole "I'm 28, no iIm 30, but really I'm 24" debacle fluster me so much that i didn't even fill one out for date #39. Please enjoy part deux...

How did you meet? offline, at a bar after my last almost online date went south

Name:  Gabe

Height: 6'1"

Age: 24 (the truth shall set you free!)

Occupation: lighting technician

Good quotes from date: We had a good conversation about him lying about his age where he explained that he thought it would be an issue because I'm older, and i explained that lying is the issue, not the number. 

Him: "I tried to be consistent. I'm a bad liar" (clearly)

Him: "I have a bit of a crush on you." (cute!)

Me: "Well, I hope so."

Why is he still single?  I could take the easy route here and say, "because he's 24", but i think it's partly his job. He has a crazy work schedule, nights, weekends, etc. There's a strong possibility he is one of those 'girlfriend' guys (something I've heard about before but thought was an urban legend like unicorns and leprechauns) based on his affinity for cuddling, and that has last relationship, and possibly his only one, outlasted my longest one at 4yrs.   

Did he pay for the date?  Yes. We met up for drinks and then grabbed a pizza on the way to his house to watch a movie. He didn't take my money.

Did he contact you after the date? yes via text. We are on a daily schedule of snarky evening texts. He asked how i feel about talking on the phone and if texting was okay. As much as i hate texting at the beginning of a relationship, i don't really want to talk on the phone either. I think two long-distance relationships killed the phone for me.

How many dates did you go on?  2 so far

Would you recommend to a friend? no, he's mine.


As one of my friends so aptly put: "He is emotionally available." I hadn't really thought of Gabe like that, but she is so right. In fact, he has been more available in the past 2 dates than my ex-boyfriend of 3 years. I like it.

Read about our 2nd date here